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Author: Bella Falls
Publisher: Evermore Press
Series: Southern Relics Cozy Mysteries
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Cozy Mystery
Rating: 4 Stars
Medium: Audio Book

Following the events of the last book, Ruby Mae and Luke are now engaged and what should be a celebration doesn’t stay that way because while the two do love each other, Luke’s past is a long and secretive one. He doesn’t talk much at all about his past and his family save for the little we had learned about him in the last book, but with this strange growling distance Ruby Mae feels is growing between them, she confronts him about it.

After confronting him, we’re whisked away to Italy and drawn into his family to learn first hand just why he left, why he doesn’t talk about them, and why it seems like the weight of the world hangs heavily on his shoulders.

Spoilers ahead.

This is definitely going to be marked as my second favorite from the series. I really loved getting a better glimpse at the vampire politics that revolve in this world but also a front row seat at Luke and his family. The history is long considering he’s centuries old, carrying the burden of his sister’s death for all of those years.

Everything starts off on egg shells from Ruby Mae fully realizing just how much money Luke actually has, coming from basically vampire royalty, to his family who doesn’t like witches in the first place. His parents, of course, do not approve of his choice in a betrothed – so much so that even after being told he’d proposed to Ruby Mae, Luke’s father pushes a vampire at Luke because wouldn’t she be a better betrothed.

Things get even more interesting when Isabella, Luke’s sister, calls to Ruby Mae from beyond the grave, drawing Ruby Mae to her old room and entwining the witch in helping to untangle the mystery surrounding the vampire’s death. Nothing is as it seems, and it becomes harder when someone tries to kill Ruby Mae on two separate occasions.

The centuries old mystery was weaved wonderfully, and I will say personally I wasn’t sure where the threads would leave as far as who had caused her death for most of the book, though I was a little suspicious of the culprit early on because he rubbed a little wrong in the beginning.

I loved that Isabella was able to find some peace because the truth of her death was able to come to light, but also that the family could settle what happened better with knowing the truth.

I can’t wait to see where this series will go in the future.